Royal Waterways: A Complete Guide – Hollow Knight Walkthrough

The Royal Waterways is a large underground area in Hollow Knight. It is located beneath the City of Tears and serves as the sewer system of Hallownest. The area is filled with waste, polluted water, and mutated creatures.

Players must explore the Waterways to find key items and battle unique bosses. This zone is essential for progressing in the game, as it contains Isma’s Tear, which allows the Knight to swim through acid. The area is known for its maze-like structure and hidden secrets, making navigation challenging.

The Royal Waterways also play a significant role in the lore of Hollow Knight. The sewer system was built to channel waste from the kingdom above. However, after Hallownest’s fall, it became home to dangerous creatures like the Flukes.

Exploring the Royal Waterways is crucial for unlocking new areas and advancing the main story. Players will need specific tools and abilities to fully explore this location.

Royal Waterways - Hollow Knight Walkthrough

How to Access the Royal Waterways

The Royal Waterways can be accessed in two primary ways. The most common entry point is through a hatch located near Fountain Square in the City of Tears. To open the hatch, you need a Simple Key, which can be purchased from Sly’s shop in Dirtmouth for 950 Geo. Another Simple Key can be found near the Stag Station in the City of Tears.

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Alternatively, players can reach the Royal Waterways by traveling to Kingdom’s Edge. Using the Crystal Heart ability, dash through a passage northwest of The Hive. This leads to an area close to Isma’s Grove, which is located within the Waterways.


Required Items and Spells:

  • Simple Key: To unlock the main entry hatch.
  • Lumafly Lantern: Essential to light dark areas in the Waterways, available from Sly’s shop for 1800 Geo.
  • Desolate Dive: Required to break through floors, available after defeating Soul Master.

Map of the Royal Waterways

The Royal Waterways is a vast and complex area located beneath the City of Tears. Its layout includes narrow tunnels, flooded chambers, and hidden rooms. Navigating the Waterways can be tricky due to its maze-like design and numerous enemies.

To make navigation easier, Cornifer can be found within the Waterways, selling a map for 75 Geo. His location is marked by his usual humming and a trail of paper. Finding Cornifer early is recommended to avoid getting lost in the interconnected pathways.


Key areas in the Royal Waterways include:

  • Isma’s Grove: A hidden garden that contains Isma’s Tear, an essential item that allows the Knight to swim through acid.
  • Junk Pit: A sub-area filled with discarded items, Geo chests, and a secret entrance to the Godseeker. It is located on the western side of the Waterways.
  • Dung Defender’s Arena: The arena where you face the Dung Defender boss. Defeating him is necessary to drain the acid pools and unlock access to Isma’s Grove.

Many parts of the Waterways are flooded with water, making it difficult to explore without Isma’s Tear. Be mindful of the numerous enemies and acid pools that fill this area, as they can make exploration challenging.

Key NPCs and Lore

The Royal Waterways are home to a few notable NPCs who add depth to the area’s story. These characters provide both useful items and lore that enrich the world of Hollow Knight Android.

Cornifer is the first NPC you encounter in the Royal Waterways. He sells the area map for 75 Geo, making navigation easier. You can find him by following his humming and the trail of paper he leaves behind. He is located in the western part of the Waterways, just past a swarm of Hwurmps. His comments about the structure of the sewers hint at the careful design of the kingdom’s water systems.

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Tuk is another NPC found in the Royal Waterways. Tuk sells Rancid Eggs, which are used in Hollow Knight to summon your shade when you die. Tuk can be found on the western side of the Waterways, but doesn’t offer much lore.

Fluke Hermit is a hidden NPC who lives in the Junk Pit. She gives insight into the Flukes, mutated creatures that infest the Waterways. Her dialogue reflects a peaceful existence among the filth, contrasting the hostile environment surrounding her.

The Royal Waterways hold a significant place in the lore of Hallownest. The waterways were originally designed to carry waste from the kingdom’s capital, the City of Tears. After the fall of the kingdom, the system became overrun by creatures, including the Flukes, which now infest the sewers. These mutated creatures built their colony in the dark, wet tunnels, turning the sewers into their domain.

As you explore deeper, you’ll uncover more about the fallen kingdom’s past and how the Waterways were once part of its sophisticated infrastructure. However, with the rise of corruption and the kingdom’s collapse, the Waterways became a symbol of decay.

Enemies in the Royal Waterways

The Royal Waterways are filled with dangerous creatures, many of which have mutated from prolonged exposure to the decay in Hallownest. The area is infested with hostile enemies that can overwhelm players if they are not cautious. Here are some of the key enemies to watch out for:


Flukefey are fast-moving, worm-like creatures that charge toward the Knight. They are aggressive and often appear in groups, making them difficult to deal with if surrounded. It’s best to stay on the move and attack quickly.



Flukemon are larger, more dangerous versions of the Flukefey. After being hit, they split into two smaller enemies, each of which continues to attack. Be prepared to face these smaller enemies after landing your initial blows. Using spells like Vengeful Spirit or Shade Soul can help dispatch them more quickly.


Hwurmp is a floating, balloon-like enemy that inflates and explodes when hit or when it contacts a surface. Hwurmp can deal damage from a distance due to their explosive nature, so it’s better to avoid attacking them directly unless you are at a safe distance.


Pilflip is a slow-moving insect that can deal damage by charging at the player. Although not particularly fast, they can catch you off guard when mixed with other enemies.

Other enemies include Bluggsac, Belfly, and various types of Husk Sentries. Each of these enemies presents unique challenges, and they often appear in groups, making navigation more difficult.

Combat in the Royal Waterways requires a mix of patience and quick reflexes. Given the tight corridors and limited space, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by enemy swarms. Make sure to equip defensive charms, such as Grubsong and Thorns of Agony, to mitigate damage and counterattack when surrounded.

Secret Areas and Collectibles (Charms)

The Royal Waterways are filled with hidden rooms and valuable items that are essential for progressing through Hollow Knight. Some areas contain key upgrades, while others hide important collectibles. Knowing where to look can save you time and help you find powerful items.


Isma’s Grove


One of the most important secret areas in the Royal Waterways is Isma’s Grove. This hidden garden is located in the eastern part of the Waterways. You can access it by defeating the Dung Defender and draining the acid from the entrance. Inside the grove, you’ll find Isma’s Tear, a key item that allows the Knight to swim through acid. This item is crucial for exploring other areas of Hallownest, including the Queen’s Gardens.

Junk Pit

Another important area is the Junk Pit, which lies in the western section of the Waterways. This area is filled with piles of trash and Geo chests. Among the discarded items, you can find the Godseeker, an NPC tied to the Godmaster DLC. The Junk Pit also holds a golden sarcophagus, which you can open using a Simple Key. This unlocks the path to more challenging content.

In addition to these areas, there are also smaller secrets scattered throughout the Waterways. For example, near the first bench in the area, there is a hidden wall that leads to a room containing a Grub. Rescuing this Grub will earn you rewards later when you return to the Grubfather in Dirtmouth.



Players can also find charms like the Defender’s Crest, which the Dung Defender drops after you defeat him. This charm causes the Knight to emit a cloud of stench, damaging nearby enemies. Another notable charm is Flukenest, found after defeating Flukemarm. This charm alters the Vengeful Spirit spell, turning it into a swarm of volatile baby Flukes.

Make sure to explore every corner of the Waterways, as it’s easy to miss hidden passages that lead to valuable items and upgrades. Using abilities like Desolate Dive will help you break through floors and access more secret areas.

Boss Encounters

The Royal Waterways are home to two significant boss battles: Flukemarm and Dung Defender. Both bosses present unique challenges and offer valuable rewards upon defeat.


Flukemarm is a large, worm-like creature that resides deep within the Waterways. This boss does not directly attack the Knight but instead spawns waves of smaller enemies known as Flukefey. These minions are aggressive and fast, making the fight chaotic.


  • Focus on Flukemarm’s weak point, which is its central body.
  • Use spells like Vengeful Spirit or Shade Soul to deal ranged damage, which is effective for hitting both Flukemarm and its minions.
  • Equip charms like Grubsong and Weaversong to deal passive damage while staying mobile.
  • Quick Slash can also be useful for close-range attacks, allowing you to strike Flukemarm multiple times before the Flukefey overwhelms you.


Defeating Flukemarm grants the Flukenest charm, which transforms the Vengeful Spirit spell into a swarm of explosive baby Flukes. This charm is powerful but can be difficult to control in combat due to the unpredictable movement of the Flukes.

Dung Defender

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The Dung Defender is a more traditional boss fight. This boisterous character guards a section of the Waterways and is dedicated to defending Hallownest, despite its current decay. He uses dung as both a weapon and defense, making the fight more challenging.


  • The Dung Defender has three primary attacks: rolling into a ball and charging at you, throwing dung balls that bounce around the arena, and a ground pound that shakes the floor.
  • Stay mobile and use Shade Cloak or Mothwing Cloak to dash away from his rolling attacks.
  • Watch out for his dung balls, as they can bounce unpredictably. Try to destroy them as they come toward you.
  • During his second phase, the Dung Defender becomes faster and more aggressive. This is when it’s crucial to stay focused and avoid panic.


Defeating the Dung Defender grants the Defender’s Crest charm. This charm surrounds the Knight with a toxic cloud that damages nearby enemies. After the fight, flipping a switch in his arena drains the acid pools and unlocks access to Isma’s Grove.

Both bosses play important roles in the Royal Waterways and offer key rewards for exploration and combat enhancement.

Exploration and Pro Tips

Navigating the Royal Waterways can be tricky due to its maze-like structure, flooded tunnels, and hidden secrets. Efficient exploration is key to uncovering all its treasures while avoiding unnecessary damage. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your journey through this area:

1. Stay Mobile and Use Defensive Charms

The tight corridors and the presence of multiple enemies at once can make combat difficult. Equipping defensive charms like Thorns of Agony or Steady Body can help you deal with enemies in close quarters. Quick Focus is also useful for healing quickly in dangerous situations.

2. Utilize Isma’s Tear for Acid Pools

Once you acquire Isma’s Tear from Isma’s Grove, acid pools in the Waterways become safe to swim through. This item is essential for accessing otherwise unreachable areas, not just in the Royal Waterways but in other regions of Hallownest. Make sure to revisit earlier areas where acid blocked your path to explore hidden rooms.

3. Use Desolate Dive to Break Through Floors

The Desolate Dive spell is crucial in this area, as it allows you to break through fragile floors and access deeper parts of the Waterways. Listen for rumbling sounds and look for cracked floors, which indicate places where Desolate Dive can be used.

4. Avoid Environmental Hazards

Many rooms in the Waterways are filled with hazards like spikes, acid pools, and explosive enemies. Be mindful of your surroundings and take your time when navigating dangerous areas. Enemies like Hwurmp explode upon contact, so avoid hitting them recklessly.

5. Keep an Eye on Hidden Passages

Many of the best rewards in the Royal Waterways, such as Geo caches and Grubs, are tucked away in hidden rooms. Look for breakable walls, particularly near benches and key landmarks. Use abilities like Crystal Heart and Mantis Claw to explore higher ledges and long gaps that may hide secret areas.

6. Map Out Shortcuts

As you explore, make sure to unlock as many shortcuts as possible. The Royal Waterways has multiple paths that connect to other major areas like the Fungal Wastes and City of Tears. Unlocking these shortcuts early can make future exploration smoother and faster.

7. Equip Charms That Boost Soul Collection

In the Royal Waterways, you’ll often face groups of enemies, so having a good supply of Soul is important for healing and casting spells. Equip charms like Soul Catcher or Grubsong to maximize the amount of Soul you collect from defeated enemies.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Exploring the Royal Waterways can be challenging, and players often make mistakes that can slow progress or lead to unnecessary damage. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Entering Without the Lumafly Lantern

The Royal Waterways have several dark areas that are nearly impossible to navigate without the Lumafly Lantern. Many players make the mistake of entering the Waterways without purchasing this item from Sly’s shop in Dirtmouth. Ensure you have it before exploring the area, as it will make traveling through dark tunnels much easier.

2. Ignoring Isma’s Tear

Some players forget to explore Isma’s Grove, where Isma’s Tear is located. This item allows you to swim through acid, which is vital for accessing several important parts of the Waterways and other regions of Hallownest. Make sure to defeat the Dung Defender and drain the acid pools to unlock Isma’s Grove.

3. Not Unlocking Shortcuts

The Waterways connect to multiple areas, and failing to unlock shortcuts can result in time-consuming backtracking. Be sure to open doors, break walls, and unlock pathways that connect to places like the Fungal Wastes and the City of Tears. This will save you time and help you avoid lengthy detours later.

4. Underestimating Explosive Enemies

Enemies like Hwurmp explode upon impact or when attacked, and many players make the mistake of engaging them carelessly. It’s better to avoid hitting them unless you can attack from a safe distance. These enemies can cause significant damage, especially in tight corridors where there’s little room to dodge.

5. Missing Hidden Areas

The Royal Waterways are full of secret rooms and hidden items, but it’s easy to miss these if you don’t explore thoroughly. Look for cracked walls and unusual floor patterns that indicate secret passages. Using abilities like Desolate Dive and Mantis Claw will help uncover hidden Grubs, Geo caches, and other valuable collectibles.

6. Facing Flukemarm Without Proper Preparation

The Flukemarm boss can be overwhelming due to the number of Flukefey it spawns. Players often enter this fight without equipping the right charms for crowd control. Be sure to equip charms that help with defense or Soul regeneration, like Weaversong or Grubsong, to deal with a large number of enemies.

Fun Facts and Trivia

The Royal Waterways in Hollow Knight have some interesting background details and hidden references that add to the richness of the game’s world. Here are a few fun facts and pieces of trivia about this mysterious area:

  • Dung Defender’s Loyalty: The Dung Defender, despite his comical nature, was once a noble warrior who defended Hallownest. He was one of the Five Great Knights, sworn to protect the kingdom. His continued devotion to his duty, even in the decayed state of the Waterways, reflects his undying loyalty to the kingdom and his respect for King Ogrim.
  • Flukemarm’s Origins: The Flukes that infest the Waterways are bizarre, mutated creatures, and the Flukemarm is their “mother.” The exact origins of the Flukes are unknown, but their infestation of the Royal Waterways represents the spread of corruption and decay after the fall of Hallownest.
  • Junk Pit’s Secret: The Junk Pit contains a hidden reference to the game’s expansion, Godmaster. By unlocking the golden sarcophagus and awakening the Godseeker, players open a path to one of the game’s additional challenges. This makes the Junk Pit not only a location for treasure but also a gateway to new content.
  • Acid Pools: Many players might not notice this, but the acid pools throughout the Waterways are linked to Isma, the deceased character found in Isma’s Grove. Isma’s body seems to be the source of the acid that fills parts of Hallownest, including the Waterways.
  • Dung Defender’s Voice: One of the most memorable aspects of the Dung Defender is his loud, boisterous voice, which you can hear echoing through the tunnels before you meet him. His unique voice adds a playful touch to his otherwise fierce boss fight, making him one of the more light-hearted characters in the game.
  • Forgotten Waste System: The Royal Waterways once served as a carefully engineered sewer system to manage waste from the City of Tears. The water flowing through the pipes still comes from Blue Lake and the rain above. This adds to the eerie contrast between the once-glorious Hallownest and the decayed, infested sewer system it has become.

These details provide additional depth to the Royal Waterways and help players appreciate the hidden layers of Hollow Knight‘s world.


To unlock the Royal Waterways, you need a Simple Key. The key can be purchased from Sly’s shop in Dirtmouth for 950 Geo, or you can find one near the Stag Station in the City of Tears. Once you have the key, use it to open the hatch located near Fountain Square in the City of Tears, which provides access to the Royal Waterways.

Yes, there are two bosses in the Royal Waterways: Flukemarm and Dung Defender. Flukemarm is located in the western part of the Waterways, and Dung Defender can be found in his arena to the east. Defeating them is necessary to unlock certain areas and gain important items.

The Junk Pit is located on the western side of the Royal Waterways. You can access it by breaking through a ceiling in the square-like area near Flukemarm’s boss room. The Junk Pit contains several valuable items, including the Godseeker and Geo chests.

The first bench in the Royal Waterways is located near the start of the area. After entering from the City of Tears, head left and drop down through a shaft. Then use Desolate Dive to break through the ground and find the bench at the bottom. You can also unlock a shortcut to this bench by slashing through a wooden barrier nearby.

You cannot enter the Royal Waterways from the City of Tears without a Simple Key. However, you can access the area from Kingdom’s Edge. Use the Crystal Heart ability to dash through a passage northwest of The Hive, which leads you close to Isma’s Grove, a sub-area within the Royal Waterways.

The Simple Key for unlocking the Royal Waterways hatch can be found in multiple locations. You can purchase it from Sly in Dirtmouth for 950 Geo, or find one near the Stag Station on the west side of the City of Tears. You can also obtain a Simple Key from Ancient Basin and the Crystal Peak areas.